There was a time, couture was for the rich and that was how the designers desired it to be. We are living in a time that is fast and busy and the consumer does not want to pay a large amount for much of anything.
There is a trend in the fashion world that can produce garments seen on the red carpet and by celebrities and make them available to the masses in little or no time thus creating, knockoffs.
Knocking off is where a company takes an expensive piece and makes it affordable to the masses. By doing this, fabric becomes less expensive and sometimes there is little or no detailing. Is this ok to do? This is a large industry, but what about the designer and their creative designs, research, sewing, and drafting to bring the sketch on paper a finish garment. Not to mention their creative spirit. What happen to being creative and producing garments that is so different that only a few people will wear it? Now it seems as though that is being forsaken with knockoffs and everyone sees their self as they walk down the street or walk to their class. Image is everything and dressing nice is a large part of self-esteem. Knockoff garments are great for saving money, but will the garment endure and last for seasons to come? Maybe that is how the industry wants it to be, fast life, inexpensive clothes, therefore forcing the consumer to spend more money buying knockoffs than they would expensive pieces.
The idea that a consumer can purchase a garment worn my famous singer or actress is incredible. This is the chance for them to be just like their idol for less, but if it is less will it last?
By: Kamese
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